L'Église orthodoxe éthiopienne

Aujourd'hui 24 mai 2024

16 gueunbot 2016

The Ethiopian Synaxarium


On this day died Jesus Sirak, the son of Sirak, the son of Elezar of Jerusalem, who poured forth wisdom from his heart. He saith in the beginning of his prophecy, “The sands of the sea, and the drops of the rain, and the days of the world, who can number them? The height of heaven, the breadth of the earth, and the depth of the abyss, and of wisdom, who can estimate them?” He speaketh concerning the unity of our Lord Christ with His Father. “The understanding of Wisdom is before the creation of the world. The root of wisdom unto whom hath it been revealed? And who hath known her counsel? Wisdom is one, and the awe of her is exceedingly great, and she sitteth upon the throne of God.” And again Wisdom saith, “I went forth from the mouth of the Most High, and like a mist I covered the earth. I have my abode in the heavens, and my seat is above the pillar of cloud. I go round about by myself to the ends of the heavens, and I walk through the depth of the abyss, and even above the waters of the sea seeking for rest.” And again he saith concerning the coming down of our Lord Christ, “The Lord said unto me, to Jacob, ‘dwell,’ and to Israel, ‘inherit.’” He saith concerning the death of our Lord Christ, and concerning the destruction of the Jews who rejoiced in the destruction of the righteous man, “They shall be snared with nets, and they shall be melted without death coming to them.” And he saith concerning repentance, and the return to sin, “What profiteth the man who touched [foulness] after he hath washed?” And he saith concerning the building of the Church and the new nation, “Have mercy, O Lord, upon the people who are called by Thy Name, and make Thyself to be like unto a blessing to Israel, and have mercy upon the city of Thy holiness, and upon Jerusalem, the city which is known to Thee, and fill Zion with the blessing of Thy voice.” He saith concerning those who appoint the six steps [the text of this passage is corrupt], “Pray to Christ, to the Most High, that He may make straight thy path in righteousness.” He saith concerning the righteous, “Hearken ye children of the righteous, and put forth leaves, and as the flower blossometh under the dew of the desert, so do ye blossom, and like the odor of frankincense, even so let your odor be sweet.” He speaketh reminding us of the work of God, the holy and mighty One in heaven, and of the appearance of the heavens and the glory thereof, saying, “He maketh the sun to rise and maketh visible the light, and in the noon-day he drieth up the sea. Who can stand against His flame, which is like unto that of a blazing furnace that belcheth flame, and the height of the sun’s power burneth up the mountains. A flame of fire breatheth forth from Him. And the moon is a sign to the country. By it days are divided, it is a mark whereby festivals are known (or, determined).” And concerning the stars he saith, “They are the ornaments of heaven, and the glory of the stars illumineth the earth. They are in the midst of God’s heaven, and they travel on their appointed ways by the voice of His Holiness, they go not astray and they never depart from their proper stations.” And concerning the rainbow he saith, “I have seen His bow, and have blessed its Creator; its splendor is beautiful, and His hand hath given it its circular form.” And concerning the snow and the lightning he saith, “By His command the snow falleth, the lightning hasteneth at His voice, and it flieth through the clouds like the birds. By His command the east wind bloweth, and the voice of His thunder terrifieth the earth, and the storm of the west wind bendeth souls, and the snow which covereth up the heavens, as with a garment of iron, is broken up into particles, which are like unto sharp splinters of crystal.” And concerning the rain he saith, “When the rain descendeth the dust rejoiceth, and by the voice of His counsel He drieth up the abyss.” And he praiseth the Fathers, [mentioning] their various gifts: Enoch how he pleased God, Noah how he found righteousness, Abraham the believer, and Isaac, how he was given unto him as a blessing which should benefit all the children of men, and Jacob, how his blessing appeared, and how he begot twelve nations, and how they were loved by God and man; and Moses, of blessed memory, the glory of the saints; the similitude of Aaron his brother, how he established the everlasting Laws and how he made everyone to boast himself in the apparel of holiness and the . . . of gold; and Phinehas, the son of Eleazar in his three-fold honor; and Joshua, the son of Nun, who made the people of Israel to inherit their land, and to be glorious when he lifted up his hand; and Samuel, how greatly beloved he was of God; and Nathan, how he prophesied in the days of David; and he praises David, how he slew the giant in his youth; and his son Solomon, how he reigned in the days of peace and lived in a wide space; and he praises Elijah, how he raised the dead, and brought down fire from heaven, and how he went up to heaven in a flame of fire, with horses of fire; and Elisha, how the enemy did not terrify him in his days, and how he raised up two dead people, one during his life and one after his death; and Hezekiah, how he fortified his city, and how he slew the armies of Persia, and how he made those who mourned for Zion to rejoice, and removed all uncleanness and sin; and Jeremiah, how he was holy from his mother’s womb; and Ezekiel, how he saw the glory of God; and Zerubabel, how he was a sign on the arm; and Twelve Prophets, how he made their bones to germinate in their places; and Yose’a and Nehemiah, how they honored and raised up the fallen walls; and Joseph, how there was no man born who was like unto him; and Shem and Seth, how they were honored by the children of men; and Adam, how he reigned over all creation; and Simon, the son of the priest, how he built the Temple in his day, and how he was praised on the return of the people. And he said in sealing (i.e. finishing) his book, “Bless ye the God of All, Who doeth great things everywhere, and Who maketh long our days from the womb.” And thus saying, he died. Salutation to Sirak, the son of Eleazar of Jerusalem.

And on this day also is commemorated Saint John the evangelist, and his preaching in the country of Asia and to the Ephesians, and in all the cities, which are round about it, and his escape from the affliction of drowning in the sea, and from the evil men who worshipped idols. And he turned all the people from their infidelity, and brought them to the knowledge of God, and he delivered them from the error of Satan by his teaching and by the signs, which God wrought, by his hands. When he was old he wrote to them the Gospel of his preaching, and the Holy Spirit moved him until he wrote down what the three [other] evangelists had left out, for reasons, which they knew. And he spoke concerning the Being of the Son, and His Incarnation, and His miracles, which, as he saith in the Gospel, were innumerable. And then he went up into heaven and saw the hosts of heaven, and the ordering thereof, and he heard their praising [of God]. And this saint wrote a book, which he called Abukalamsis. Now the Egyptians have ordained this festival in commemoration of his preaching, and as with his preaching, so there took place on this day the consecration of the church in the city of Alexandria. Salutation to the translation of thy body to the city of Alexandria. Thou didst enter thy grave, O John, but didst hide thyself and disappear through the might of marvelous power, and only thine apparel was left [in it] as a memorial. Salutation to John, who became a pilgrim for righteousness’ sake, and did live with the poor in the outer courts of the houses.

On this day also are commemorated the bishops who were martyred, and Yemen who was the son of Joseph. [Omitted in the Bodleian MS.] Salutation to Newaya Krestos.

Glory be to God Who is glorified in His Saints. Amen.

Kidane Meheret

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Kidane Meheret - The Covenant of St. Mary